The Streets

Difícil achar um som tão britânico quanto essa música "It was supposed to be so easy", da banda (que na verdade é só um cara, Mike Skinner) The Streets. Eu comprei o disco "A Grand Don't Come For Free" numa lojinha de coisas usadas, tipo um sebo, mas beneficente (Heart Diseases Foundation, algo assim). Paguei duas libras. Comprei por curiosidade, sempre tinha ouvido falar do The Streets e até tinha baixado uma música no computador em 2006, algo assim.

Confesso que odiei o disco nas primeiras audições. Achei uma porcaria. Ouvi umas 2 ou 3 vezes ano passado e deixei o CD fazendo volume na estante.

O chef da nossa cozinha (do London Zoo), o irlandês porra-louca Peter, sempre falava do The Streets. Dizia ele que era o som mais louco que tinha...era um rap meio falado, meio cantado, com umas histórias incríveis do cotidiano. Ele até chegou a ir num show do Streets num hotel em Londres, e disse que foi a balada mais louca que ele pegou no ano. Ele me contou que tinha uma piscina no meio do salão, um hotel muito luxuoso, e muita bebida rolando. No meio do show, o Mike Skinner mandou todo mundo pular na piscina, e os seguranças tentaram montar uma barreira, impedindo o pessola de se jogar com roupa e tudo, mas sem sucesso. Todo mundo caiu na água, bêbedos pra caramba e a festa comeu até altas horas... foram os relatos do Peter!

Quanto à essa música, que é a primeira do disco, penso que é a descrição perfeita dos dilemas do cotidiano nos suburbios ingleses. O jeito do cara falar é idêntico ao inglês das periferias e das cidades pequenas da Inglaterra (ouvi esse sotaque carregadíssimo nas ruas lá em Acton, onde o Rodolfo morava, na cidades vizinhas de Londres, tipo Fulham, ou em outras cidades do West-Midland, tipo Dover).

Achei um vídeo dum pirralho do interior da Inglaterra (cidadezinha chamada Teddington), que fez um vídeo amador pra música. Vale a pena pelo menos pra ouvir a música e acompanhar a letra, que estou colocando logo abaixo!

It was supposed to be so easy
Just take back the DVD, withdraw that extra money
Tell mum I wouldn't be back for tea, then grab my savings and hurry
So first to get the film back in time, to avoid that big fine
I had to do a fast hill climb, but a faster decline
But I flew a bit quick, arms like a lunatic
Had to stop for a few ticks, I started feeling sick
Got to the video shop in a state, but chuffed it wouldn't be late
Only when he flicked open the case, I'd left the disc at my place
Today I've achieved absolutely nowt
In just being out of the house, I've lost out
If I wanted to end up with more now
I should've just stayed in bed, like I know how
So I failed on the DVD, but I still had to get the money
Tell mum I couldn't make tea, get the saving and then hurry
Rushing to the cash machine, still a bit mashed and lean
Then of course a mandatory car, drives by and splashes me
Get there the queue's outrageous, ladies taking ages
My rage is blowing gauges, how longs it take to validate your wages?
At last my turn comes, press the 50 squid button
Insufficient funds
Today I've achieved absolutely nowt
In just being out of the house, I've lost out
If I wanted to end up with more now
I should've just stayed in bed, like I know how
So I failed on the DVD, couldn't withdraw any money
But I still had to call mum, get the savings and hurry
So to call mum so that, I could tell her I cant go and that
At least I remembered my phone man, I didn't know her number offhand
Where's my phone have I got it, Oh this is a crock of shit
I lost the fucking thing, oh here it is in my pocket
But the batteries nearly flat, gotta call quick snap
Aww shit, the battery is flat
Today I've achieved absolutely nowt
In just being out of the house, I've lost out
If I wanted to end up with more now
I should've just stayed in bed, like I know how
So Ive failed on the DVD, couldnt withdraw any money
Or call mum about tea, I'll have to get the savings and hurry
But where was the money, I knew I'd left it on the
Side, next to the telly, this is not even funny
I left it in the living room, ready to pick up as soon
As I passed through, on the way out to the rendevous
So the shoebox full of money, just disappearing from me
Is not what I call funny, a grand dont come for free
Today I've achieved absolutely nowt
In just being out of the house, I've lost out
If I wanted to end up with more now
I should've just stayed in bed, like I know how

(Oi, soaked to the bone in my jeans, do you want me to stop?
I imagine my mums weaping right now
And the thousand pounds you swore, that I left on the table this morn
Has simply disappeared before my eyes, his eyes and yours
And I'm a thousand pounds poorer, a hundred thousand pennies, no more
A thousandth of a million squid, or two monkeys or a whole fifty scores
Gone withdrawn from my life, the money is no more for sure)
It was supposed to be easy

Um comentário:

  1. BH me mostrou isso aí, faz uma cara já, é bem gostoso relembrar agora. britânico até os ossos.


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