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14 de agosto de 2010

Mais Foucault na rede

Ao acaso, acompanhando os tweets do Prof. Murilo Correa (autor do excelente blog A Navália de Dali), li o seguinte: "RT @ajnabee: the control society is the disciplinary society deterritorialized by capital". O trecho me despertou a curiosidade, e fui atrás do autor da frase, que me parece ser italiano. Encontrei então seu site "New Proletariat", com diversas reflexões e citações sobre Deleuze e Foucault, em inglês. No último texto, ele defende que o campo panóptico do poder está cada vez mais forte em razão da sociedade de informação: "Dada a imensa quantidade de informações disponíveis nos bancos de dados, o panóptico disciplinar tem um nível sem precedentes de visiblidade, pois agora tem acesso aos níveis interior do desejo, pelo menos, que se manifesta dentro da matriz da sociedade em rede".

Reproduzo na íntegra o texto, pois é muito interessante. Aos que dominam o inglês, fica fácil. Aos que não compreendem, sempre há o tradutor do Google, que tem mostrado bons níveis de tradução (embora nem sempre confiável em sua totalidade):

As the control society rigorously constructs its body without organs, unopposed, one must take note that the disciplinary machinery from which it has emerged has not been, and for a great deal of time to come, will not be superceded.

Discipline always functions in extensivity, space and matter. Are not the great strata always, in some way, semi-divine acts of discipline?

Michel Foucault defined the modern disciplinary machine as the ‘political anatomy of detail.’ It is a question of rigorous organization of the molecular in order to create bodies, individuals, and collective forces that may be harnessed from such bodies.

The individual is thus divided into four distinct content-expression categories:

-being cellular (occupying space)
-being organic (productive)
-being genetic (temporality and repetition)
-being combinatory (additive force)

Each category is confronted and harnessed through a specific process or machine. The sum of these machines may be considered as the machinic multiplicity of discipline.

-distribution of individuals in space. (the making functional of spcae)
-control of activity (individualization and introduction of factors of efficiency).
-organization of genesis (standardization and the creation of temporal segments of activity)
-composition of forces (the body constituted as part of a multi-segmentary machine)

Disciplinary practice is essentially a pratice of discursive recording, writing and inscription. It is a disjunctive synthesis harnessed towards the great surplus machine of the conjunctive synthesis.

The great informatic innovation of the Control Society is the database, a machine organizing information and raw data pertaining to individual bodies.

Given the immense quantity of information available to the database, the disciplinary panopticon has an unprecedented level of visibilty, as it now has access to the interior levels of desire, at least as manifested within the matrix of networked society.

The panoptic field of power has never been greater.

At the same time it must, however, be taken into consideration the shift of modes of production of late capitalism, undoubtedly related to the emergence of the control society.

Traditional methods of material capitalist production appear to have been relegated to a ‘lower field of importance’ which function as a support to the capitalism of ‘information.’

The disciplinary diagram enters into a new phase of complexity: material and informational discipline: serpents entwined.

Two diagrams, two machines, two planes of consistency relentlessly operating on the socius, folding out with new force onto the world.

Individual or Dividual.

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